Pedago ry in English

Pedago is the student association of the Teacher Education study subject in the University of Jyväskylä. 

Pedago oversees the interest of primary school teacher students of University of Jyväskylä as well as offering a multitude of leisure activities to it's members. Pedago organizes versatile sports and cultural activities, diverse student events and parties, does advocacy work concerning students academic and social affairs and works in close cooperation with other subject associations and the Department of Teacher Education.

You can become a member of Pedago ry if you study in the teacher training program at Jyväskylä Teacher Training Institute. If willing, please contact us or become a member of Pedago here (only in Finnish).

The association was founded in 1964 and it’s one of the oldest and largest subject organizations of the University of Jyväskylä. Pedago will celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2024!

What is a subject association?

In Finland most activities of the students are organized by the associations, which can be compared to hobby or free time clubs in most countries. Subject associations are for students who share a particular subject as a major. Subject associations organize a lot of different free-time activities from cultural events to parties and sports events. This is the best way to make Finnish friends so make sure you check out our events! We also do advocacy work so feel free to talk with us if you have some problems or ideas regarding your studies.


What Pedago offers?

We offer a great variety of activities for our students. Most common activities include hangouts, Sitsfests (a very popular and traditional form of academic student event) trips to nature, sport events and so on. You can see all of our upcoming events by following our Instagram account @pedagontapahtumat

We aim to always have information about our events in English and if it seems to be missing you can send any questions that may arise to our representative of international affairs Sara Kangassuo


Advocacy work

In addition to activities, associations also do advocacy work. Our association has Aapo Nikula, Saku Virtanen and Sara Kangassuo responsible for academic and social affairs. In case you encounter troubles in your study or personal life, they will offer their assistance. We meet university staff members regularly and can bring up your concerns to them.

You can contact us 


Other practical information

Our association has its own association room ‘’Kasvisto’’, where you can come to hang out with us at any time, and where we occasionally arrange meetings and events. Kasvisto is located at the bottom floor of 'Opinkivi'- building (Keskussairaalantie 2, 40600 Jyväskylä)


Our association has its very own red overalls that we wear in most student events. By wearing overalls students show their pride for their subject association. If you are interested in purchasing your own overalls please contact